Are you concerned that someone might come across your online search history? Do you want to go gift shopping without having anyone else find out? Or, maybe you'd like to watch videos on YouTube without having to manage the recommended videos once you log in again? If any of these scenarios sound familiar, then you should consider private browsing.
Private browsing: How to stay safe online
Steps you must take to use web browsers securely
Protect your online privacy with private browsers
Does private browsing secure your data?
The dangers of the web and how to stay safe
You probably go to great lengths to keep yourself safe, whether at home or in public. But what happens when you get online? Learn more about how you could be exposing yourself and your personal information over the internet so you can stay safe.
With the headlines about data breaches and cyberattacks greeting you every time you go online, it seems impossible to have a surefire, foolproof way to keep your information secure.