Why you need the cloud in the middle of COVID-19

With the COVID-19 lockdowns forcing most economic sectors to slow down, cloud technology can help your business survive and remain competitive. More specifically, you can cut costs and increase operational efficiency using the cloud.
Ensuring continuity and efficiency with the cloud
The need to stay at home and practice social distancing have changed the way many businesses operate.

COVID-19 and the cloud: Staying connected while apart

The term “viral” has taken its original meaning, thanks to the novel coronavirus infecting millions and killing thousands of people all over the world. As it rages on, we can see how cloud computing is helping us push through these trying times.
Cloud computing helps buoy economies
For many people, being forced to stay at home means being unable to earn money or spend money on in-person services and activities that form dense congregations, such as watching movies or attending concerts.

Virtualization is different from the cloud

Virtualization and cloud computing can be confusing, especially to business owners who are not familiar with them. But when you understand their differences, you’ll be able to best take advantage of these technologies.

Imagine a company with five servers, each assigned a single task such as storage, email, etc.